The ANELLO GNSS INS system provides up to 30 minutes of continuous and accurate
dead-reckoning during fully GPS-denied conditions.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ANELLO Photonics, The Creator of the SiPhOG™, today announced the availability of the ANELLO GNSS INS - The World's Smallest Optical Gyro Inertial Navigation System - for robust and reliable long-term GPS-Denied Navigation and Localization.
Powered by ANELLO's unique optical gyroscope technology and ANELLO's AI-based sensor fusion engine, the ANELLO GNSS INS delivers robust, high-accuracy positioning and orientation for applications in the Agriculture, Construction, Trucking and Autonomous Vehicle space. Unlike other reference systems, the ANELLO GNSS INS delivers superior accuracy in high-temperature and high-vibration applications.